40 One Word Substitution!

1. A person with a long experience of any occupation - Veteran

2. Words written on a tomb - Epitaph

3. Something no longer in use - Obsolete

4. one who stay away from school without permission - Truant

5. fear of being enclosed in a small closed place - Claustrophobia

6. One who knows many languages - Polyglot

7. A person who is unable to pay his debts - Bankrupt/Insolvent

8. The study of maps - Cartography

9. One who hates mankind - Misanthropist

10. One who collects coins - Numismatics

11. The murder of parents - Paricide

12. The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs - Theology

13. One who stay away from school without permission - Truant

14. A place where government records are kept - Archive

15. A remedy for all diseases - Panacea

16. A government in which all religions are honored - Secular

17. A place where nuns live and work - Convent

18. One who destroy images or attach popular beliefs - Iconoclast

19. One who walks in sleep - Somnambulist

20. One who talks in sleep - Somniloquist

21. Give and recieve mutually - Reciprocate

22.  Something capable of being done - Feasible

23. One who loves books - Bibliophile

24. A place where birds are kept - Aviary

25. The inability of sleep - Insomnia

26. Murder of a king - Regicide

27. A person who never takes alcoholic drinks - Teetotaler

28. A place where fishes are kept - Aquarium

29. Study of insects is - Entomology

30. The science of the races of mankind - Ethnology

31. One who is a citizen not of a country but of the world - Cosmopolitan

32. A continuous process of change is known as - Metamorphosis

33. The animal of a particular region - Flora

34. The plants of a particular region - Fauna

35. An inscription on a tomb - Epitaph

36. The practice of having more than one husband - Polyandry

37. One who compiles a dictionary - Lexicographer

38. List of issues to be discussed at a meeting - Agenda

39. One who eats human flesh - Cannible

40. One who hate women - Misogynist


  1. Ma'am! Flora is for Plants nd Fauna is for Animal's habitat !

  2. Dear 33 or 34 ka ans opposite h.....


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